looks like they like to post old photos..
went shopping on fri w yihe, stella and janice.
yihe really can shop..(he bought the most stuff among us)
haha, i got a pair of converse double tongue for $30.
met hl today at tpy to see sinseh..
lol..waited for so damn long...
and we had acupuncture
think i was a lil nervous..
the sinseh kept telling me to breath..WTH..
then down to heerens to meet bbgt
sheryl, hl and am was trying to make me buy a dress for new yr..
felt so retarded.(ok i'm always retarded) I KNOW -__-
chionged to j8 for my dental appt at7
i was the last patient..
somehow, classic hits and dental clinics comes in a package..
LOLs..all dentist likes to tune in to gold 90 fm..

found this in a damn cute book bout hugs..
a hug says everything will be fine..
when you cant find the words
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