weekends are here...
and yay....majority of the tests are over....
did some studying today...
and i've understand g-field better :)
and omg...
I CANT BELIEVE THAT BAOXIAN IS MY FRIENDshe was with shuwen today when shuwen called me...
than that kuku bao went to call me also...
she really got nothing better to do..
and the best part is...
when i asked her qn...
she just kuku ignored me and kept singing...
my ears...it's rotting....
in the end..i just hang up
ltr on went to look for bball mates..
went to play ball...
haha...we played horse...
it was
damn hilarious...
with bao's and sherly's crazy actions...
and i freaking hav to follow what bao did...
YOU KNOW HOW UNGLAM IT WAS?anw...had a great laugh.. (can train abs!!!)
WE SHLD DO THIS OFTENhaha even though it's really unglam...
but who cares...
i really love them...haha...
cip & fireworks tml:))
I smile at the thought of you